There are over 2 million people living with limb loss in the United States. Globally, there are more than 1 million annual limb amputations—one every 30 seconds. Approximately 185,000 amputations occur in the United States each year. In the U.S., 300 to 500 amputations are performed every day. Among those living with limb loss, the main causes are vascular disease (54%) – including diabetes and peripheral arterial disease – trauma (45%) and cancer (less than 2%). Nearly half of the individuals who have an amputation due to vascular disease will die within 5 years. This is higher than the five year mortality rates for breast cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer.
Lifetime healthcare costs for people with limb loss is $509,275 compared to $361,200 for people without limb loss. In 2009, hospital costs associated with amputation totaled more than $8.3 billion.
Source: Amputee-Coalition. ”Limb Loss in the USA.” Inside Track, 01/04/2016, 3.
Neurological disorders, including phantom limb pain (PLP), impacts the majority of individuals who undergo limb amputation. The PLP experience varies by person with intensity, frequency and severity. PLP involves Residual limb pain (RLP) and Phantom limb pain (PLP).
Approximately 80% of amputees report experiencing some form of phantom sensations. Most individuals describe phantom sensations as the feeling that the missing limb is still present and include feelings of tingling, itching and numbness. More severe painful sensations involve burning, sharp, cramping, electrical shooting, stabbing and throbbing pain.
For over 75 years researchers have studied PLP-RLP with several evolving new experimental treatments. In most patients, available treatments are not effective in reducing PLP-RLP. A major complication with PLP-RLP is sedentary lifestyle leading to other co-morbidities, weight gain, diabetes, & metabolic syndrome.
As a research pharmacist himself, Tim Hopkins' evolution of his own physician-guided individualized treatment plan has changed his life in the most positive way. Hopkin's activity has tripled, restless legs are minimal and pharmaceutical consumption for 6 meds have been discontinued and further reduced in his other medications. He's sleeping & experiencing restorative sleep. His discovery opens new applications for CNS and PNS recovery to reduce/minimize nerve disorders and autoimmune conditions.

Pain Relief is Achievable
​The Hopkins Foundation is focused on clinical research on Neurological & Autoimmune Disorders. Specifically for PLP-RLP, Hopkins strives to develop effective treatments focusing on nerve restoration, neuronal communication and pain relief. Hopkins believes restoration of the central (CNS), peripheral (PNS) nervous system and fascia combined with natural and synthetic pharmaceuticals, infusion treatment, essential elements and peptide therapy will provide a viable treatment option and reduce human suffering.

We conduct and fund innovative research and opportunities to reduce suffering from neurological & autoimmune conditions with focused consideration to amputees with phantom limb pain (PLP) & residual limb pain (RLP).
tim hopkins, research pharmacist, ceo & board president of The hopkins foundation, tragically lost his leg (above knee) in 2016.
as a pharmaceutical executive & entrepreneur until 2020, his work shaped the mail order pharmaceutical industry and guided sale acquisitions between industry giants.
since 2020, the significant stress he endured from an unfortunate situation resulted in worsened plp-rlp and other neurological conditions as well as muscular sclerosis. he was forced to step away from his pharmaceutical career which opened the door to philanthropy & research. healing himself became his priority.
His First Mission was Solving debilitating PLP-RLP pain & reduce suffering to millions of people worldwide.
hopkins' pharmaceutical & medical research resulted in a multi-pronged approach to neurological healing.